Week 5 Progress Reports
Last week was frusterating because we believed that we were able to run the current version of the app but were unable to do so because of server issues. After spending a few hours debugging with the previous project's developer, we were able to officially post to the server and run the app. We have compiled a list of our next steps based on testing of the current version. Below are screenshots of the current interface.

Update: 5/6/19
A few members were able to attend a last-minute meeting at 8:15pm with Lindsey since we have not yet heard back about the expected costs.
Update: 5/5/19
We met at 2pm in Heafey for a little over an hour. This hour was dedicated to fixing server issues with the previous team's developer. We learned valuable information, such as switching to AWS S3 for image storage. Another key aspect includes using a new push notification service since the one currently employed has been deprecated. See the PDF of our meeting minutes below.
Update: 4/30/19
During this in-class meeting, we discussed our urgent need to notify Lindsey about all the expected costs. One of the team members gathered information about costs and we sent off an email to Lindsey.