Week 7 Progress Reports
This week, I finished up all of the alerts and I am now moving into push notifications. I pushed a good amount of code, so I am looking to keep up with the amount of progress that I am making for the rest of the quarter. See screenshots of my git pushes below.

Update: 5/21/19
On my side, all of my changes compiled and ran without issues but Sinclair notified me that an compile time error was thrown once he pulled my pushed changes. Thankfully, I was able to fix this bug within minutes of the issue. I was importing a file that I initially used (alerts.dart) but I no longer decided to use this file. So, in login.dart, the compiler was confused when there was no alerts.dart file. It was a simple fix.
Update: 5/20/19
In order to push my code changes, I needed permissions to the SCU Sustainability "taste the waste" repository. This put me back from pushing the code right away but Sinclair was able to add everyone to permissions. I created alerts for the login page and posts page. I struggled for a few hours to put in alerts based on server responses because the Flutter/Dart application separates the UI files from the server files. I had to learn about asynchronous programming in Dart using "Future" type variables in order to solve this problem. Ultimately, I had to send a variable with a "Future" value to the UI page, which would have to wait until it recieved the information from the asynchronous server request in a different file.
Update: 5/19/19
The group met but I was unfortunately unable to physically attend. The agenda for the meeting involved making sure that we are each assigned something to work on. I earlier decided to work on alerts and help with push notifications, so my lack of attendance to this meeting did not take away from the group agenda. On my own time, I worked on completing the alerts.
Update: 5/14/19
During class, we presented an update on our project. We gained some valuable information from Lindsey regarding a few key points that she forgot to mention. This included that it was necessary to only allow SCU students to register with their SCU email. We were also notified that the Samazon logo needed to be somewhere in the app since they are providing funding for the app. Lindsey was concerned with us being able to complete all the tasks by the end of the quarter, so we took this a reminder that we should be putting in lots of time for coding in order to get everything done.